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28th -30th July 2025 

Jonathan Black and Lee Gerrard Barlow converse on Egyptian Magic


Is a specialist private tour of the Egyptian section and the
Enlightenment Gallery at the British Museum. 

On this tour you shall learn of the magical and esoteric aspects in the Ancient Egyptian beliefs that is not found in the standard histories.
Lee Gerrard Barlow has over 20 years of experience in the Ancient Mystery traditions working with meditation,
trance states, magical and Yoga based practices

He has a passion for teaching the more hidden aspect of the Egyptian Wisdom to those who are willing to receive it and to be presented with different perspectives in honour of
the great wealth of the Egyptian magical symbolism and its rich hidden Mysteries... 

God Osiris * Jonathan Black & Lee Gerrard Barlow

Lee exploring the artifacts with Mark Booth- (Jonathan Black)

Author of the best-selling books
''Secret History of the World''  
''Sacred History : How Angels, Mystics and Higher  Intelligence
Made our World''    

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the Egyptian Magic - Sacred sites to
and the intensive Hermetic Magnetism course


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"There are aspects in the sacred symbols that relate to the Egyptian Mystery itself...

and it is this Mystery or the perceived 'secret' of the Egyptians that subconsciously fascinates and inspires each voyeur upon its edifice"  

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on the Hermetic Magnetism and Mesmerism course
and tours in London and Glastonbury 

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